HL Posey Builders

(239) 893-3700

Cape Coral, FL

Backyard University

Let's Get Started!

Feeling like you don't know enough to make the best decision?

To lead a happy life and enjoy the good things the world has to offer, you most certainly have to be educated. If you are like us, you want to know everything possible to have confidence that you are making the right decision when exchanging your hard earned dollars for something that you really want. It's hard to piece together and trust the information your getting. 

That's why we created Backyard U.

  • Custom Outdoor Kitchen Fort Myers

    Only made it 13 years

    Time to Go

  • Demolition Outdoor Kitchen Fort Myers

    Modern Progress

    Ripping out the OLD wood cabinets

  • Mirromar Remodel Outdoor Kitchen Fort Myers

    All finished!

    Out with the old, In with the new!

  • Missing Outdoor Kitchen Fort Myers

    Are you Looking at this everyday?

    Trying to figure out what to do?


Backyard University 

is all about education, 

the nuts and bolts you need to eliminate regret and buyers remorse and not get screwed 

in the short term or long run.

It's why we have

THE HL Posey Promise

to get it 100% right, every time!

The fundamental basis of Backyard University (BYU) is to combine equal parts of knowledge, common sense and experience to provide you with a 

Masters Degree in Backyard Satisfaction and Happiness.

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